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Aliases: combine, join by row position, merge


Applies function to consecutive pairs of elements of self and that and returns a column of results.


  • that: The column to zip with self.
  • function: A binary function that is applied to corresponding pairs of elements of self and that to produce a value.
  • skip_nothing: controls whether missing values should be passed to the function. The default value of True will skip the rows for which the value in either column is missing and automatically append Nothing to the result table. If set to False, every pair of values is passed to function.
  • expected_value_type: The expected value type of the resulting column. If Auto, the value type will be inferred from the values returned by function.


Zip two columns together as pairs.

      import Standard.Examples

example_zip = Examples.text_column_1 [_, _]


  • If any of the values returned by function do not fit the expected value type, an Invalid_Value_Type error is raised.
  • If the function raises a dataflow error on any row, the first such error is propagated.
  • If an invocation of the function returns a value with warnings, these warnings are attached to the overall result.