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Executes the provided action and if a panic matching the provided type was thrown, calls the provided callback. If action executes successfully, the result of Panic.catch is the result of that action. Otherwise, if a matching panic is thrown from within the action, the result is obtained by calling the provided handler callback. Any non-matching panics are forwarded without changes.


  • panic_type: The expected panic type. It can either be an Enso type or a Java class.
  • action: The code to execute that potentially panics.
  • handler: The callback to handle the panics. The callback will be provided with a Caught_Panic instance encapsulating the payload of the caught panic and its stacktrace.


Handling a specific type of panic.

      Panic.catch Illegal_Argument (Panic.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Oh no!" Nothing)) error->
"Caught an `Illegal_Argument`: "+error.payload.message

Handling any panic.

      Panic.catch Any (Panic.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "Oh no!" Nothing)) error->
"Caught some panic!"

Convert a string to an integer, catching the Java NumberFormatException

and converting it to a more Enso-friendly dataflow error.

      polyglot java import java.lang.Long
polyglot java import java.lang.NumberFormatException
parse str =
Panic.catch NumberFormatException (Long.parseLong str) caught_panic->
Error.throw (Illegal_Argument.Error "The provided string is not a valid number: "+caught_panic.payload.getMessage)