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Group: Text


Applies the specified cleansings to the text in each row of the specified columns


  • from: The column(s) to cleanse.
  • remove: A vector of the text cleanings to remove from the text. The text cleansings are applied in the order they are provided. The same text cleansing can be used multiple times. The text cleansings are: - ..Leading_Whitespace: Removes all whitespace from the start of the string. - ..Trailing_Whitespace: Removes all whitespace from the end of the string. - ..Duplicate_Whitespace: Removes all duplicate whitespace from the string replacing it with the first whitespace character of the duplicated block. - ..All_Whitespace: Removes all whitespace from the string. - ..Newlines: Removes all newline characters from the string. Line Feed and Carriage Return characters are considered newlines. - ..Leading_Numbers: Removes all numbers from the start of the string. - ..Trailing_Numbers: Removes all numbers from the end of the string. - ..Non_ASCII: Removes all non-ascii characters from the string. - ..Tabs: Removes all tab characters from the string. - ..Letters: Removes all letters from the string. - ..Numbers: Removes all numbers characters from the string. - ..Punctuation: Removes all characters in the set ,.!?():;'" from the string. - ..Symbols: Removes anything that isn't letters, numbers or whitespace from the string.


Remove leading and trailing spaces from cells.

      table.text_cleanse ["Input"] [..Leading_Whitespace, ..Trailing_Whitespace]