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Group: Input


Lists files contained in the directory denoted by this file. Note, as S3 does not have a native notion of directories, this operation will return an empty Vector if the folder does not exist.


  • name_filter: A glob pattern that can be used to filter the returned files. If it is not specified, all files are returned.
  • recursive: Specifies whether the returned list of files should include also files from the subdirectories. If set to False (the default), only the immediate children of the listed directory are considered.


  • A vector of S3_File objects representing the files in the directory.


  • If the bucket does not exist, an S3_Bucket_Not_Found error is thrown.
  • If the target is a file, an Illegal_Argument error is thrown.
  • If the access to the object is forbidden, an S3_Error.Access_Denied error is thrown.
  • If using name_filter or recursive, an Unimplemented error is thrown as these are currently unsupported.