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move_todestination replace_existing


Moves the file to the specified destination.


  • destination: the destination to move the file to.
  • replace_existing: specifies if the operation should proceed if the destination file already exists. Defaults to False.


  • The destination file if the operation was successful.


  • Unless replace_existing is set to True, if the destination file already exists, a File_Error is thrown.
  • If the source is a directory, an S3_Error will occur as this is not currently supported.
  • If the Output operations are disabled, a Forbidden_Operation panic will occur.


S3 Move is a Copy and Delete

Since S3 does not support moving files, this operation is implemented as a copy followed by delete. Keep in mind that the space usage of the file will briefly be doubled and that the operation may not be as fast as a local move often is.