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Group: Operators
Aliases: equals


Checks if self is equal to that.

Two values are considered to be equal in Enso when they obey the following recursive properties: - At each level, they have the same structure. - The value of each field in self is equal (by this definition) to the corresponding field in that.


  • that: The object to compare self with.


The string 'é' (i.e. the character U+00E9, LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE)

is canonically the same as the string 'e\u0301' (i.e. the letter e followed by U+0301, COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT). Therefore:

      ('é' == 'e\u0301') == True

Checking if the variable a is equal to 147.

      from Standard.Base import all

example_equality =
a = 7 * 21
a == 147


Implementing Your Own Equality

Equality in Enso is defined to allow comparison of any two values (universal equality), no matter if they are not directly comparable. When implementing equality for your own types, keep in mind that it needs to work with any Enso value as the that argument.

Unicode Equality

The definition of equality includes Unicode canonicalization. I.e. two texts are equal if they are identical after canonical decomposition. This ensures that different ways of expressing the same character in the underlying binary representation are considered equal.

Generic Equality and Performance

While the generic equality provided here will work for all values in Enso, its performance may often be suboptimal. Many types can implement their own equality operations that will be more efficient than these.