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equals_ignore_casethat locale

Group: Logical


Checks whether self is equal to that, ignoring the case of the texts.

Two texts are considered equal ignoring case if they are of the same length and corresponding characters are equal ignoring case.


  • that: The text to compare self for case-insensitive equality with.
  • locale: The locale to use for case-insensitive comparison.


The string 'É' (i.e. U+00C9, LATIN CAPITAL LETTER E WITH ACUTE) is

equal to the string 'é' (i.e. U+00E9, LATIN SMALL LETTER E WITH ACUTE) ignoring case, which is canonically the same as the string 'e\u0301' (i.e. the letter e followed by U+0301, COMBINING ACUTE ACCENT). Therefore:

      (('É' . equals_ignore_case 'é') && ('é' . equals_ignore_case 'e\u0301')) == True


Unicode Equality

The definition of equality includes Unicode canonicalization. I.e. two texts are equal if they are identical after canonical decomposition. This ensures that different ways of expressing the same character in the underlying binary representation are considered equal.