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parse_to_tablepattern case_sensitivityparse_valueson_problems

Group: Conversions


Converts a Text into a Table using a regular expression pattern. Each match becomes a row in the table. If there are no marked groups, there will be a single column with the whole content of the match. Otherwise, each group becomes a column (with the column name taken from the group name if the group is named in the regex). For details on Enso's Regex syntax, see the Help Documentation.


  • pattern: The regular expression as either Text or Regex to search within the text.
  • case_sensitivity: Specifies if the text values should be compared case sensitively.
  • parse_values: Parse any values using the default value parser.


Column Names

If there are no marked groups, the new column will be named Column. If the marked groups are named, the names will be used otherwise the column will be named Column <N> where N is the number of the marked group. (Group 0 is not included.)