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Group: Conversions


Format a Column using a format string (or Column of format strings).


  • format: The type-dependent format string to use to format the values. If format is "", .to_text is used to format the value. In case of date/time columns, a Date_Time_Formatter can be used.
  • locale: The locale in which the format should be interpreted. If a Date_Time_Formatter is provided for format and the locale is set to anything else than Locale.default, then that locale will override the formatters locale.


Format a Column of Dates in the format "yyyyMMdd".

      input = Column.from_vector "values" [ 2020 12 21, 2023 4 25]
input.format "yyyyMMdd"
# ==> ["20201221", "20230425"]

Format Column of Dates, using format strings in a second column.

      input = Column.from_vector "values" [ 2020 12 21, 2023 4 25]
formats = Column.from_vector "formats" ["yyyyMMdd", "dd-MM-yyyy"]
input.format formats
# ==> ["20201221", "25-04-2023"]

Format a Column of Integers in the format "#,##0.00".

      input = Column.from_vector "values" [100000000, 2222, 3]
input.format "#,##0.00"
# ==> ["100,000,000.00", "2,222.00", "3.00"]

Format a Column of Booleans in the format "t|f".

      input = Column.from_vector "values" [True, False]
input.format "t|f"
# ==> ["t", "f"]

Format a Column of numbers, using both decimal point / digit

separators and a Locale.

      input = Column.from_vector "values" ["100000000", "2222", "3"] . parse numeric_type
input.format "#,##0.00" locale=( "fr")
# ==> ["100 000 000,00", "2 222,00", "3,00"]


  • If the format is incorrectly formed, or if some values in the column did not match the expected datatype format, an Illegal_Argument error is thrown.


Supported Types

  • Value_Type.Date
  • Value_Type.Date_Time
  • Value_Type.Time
  • Value_Type.Integer
  • Value_Type.Float
  • Value_Type.Boolean

Value_Type.Date, Value_Type.Date_Time, Value_Type.Time format strings

See Date_Time_Formatter for more details.

Value_Type.Integer, Value_Type.Float format strings

Numeric format strings are specified by the Java DecimalFormat class. See for a complete format specification.

Value_Type.Boolean format strings

Format strings for Boolean consist of two values that represent true and false, separated by a |.