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Group: Text


Checks for each element of the column if it starts with other.


  • other: The value to compare self with. If other is a column, the operation is performed pairwise between corresponding elements of self and other.
  • case_sensitivity: Specifies if the text values should be compared case sensitively.


Check the elements of a column for starting with the elements of

another column.

      import Standard.Examples

example_starts_with =
Examples.text_column_1.starts_with Examples.text_column_2

Check the elements of a column for starting with a value.

      import Standard.Examples

example_starts_with = Examples.text_column_1.starts_with "hell"

Check the elements of a column for starting with a value comparing case insensitively.

      import Standard.Examples

example_starts_with = Examples.text_column_1.starts_with "hell" Case_Sensitivity.Insensitive