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Group: Constants


Creates a new table from a vector of column names and a vector of vectors specifying row contents.


  • header: A list of texts specifying the column names
  • rows: A vector of vectors, specifying the contents of each table row. The length of each element of rows must be equal in length to header.


Create a table with 3 columns, named foo, bar, and baz, containing

[1, 2, 3], [True, False, True], and ['a', 'b', 'c'], respectively.

      from Standard.Table import Table

example_from_rows =
header = [ 'foo' , 'bar' , 'baz' ]
row_1 = [ 1 , True , 'a' ]
row_2 = [ 2 , False , 'b' ]
row_3 = [ 3 , True , 'c' ]
Table.from_rows header [row_1, row_2, row_3]