Group: Selections
Reorders the columns sorted by name in the specified order and the text ordering method. By default, sorting will be according to case-sensitive ascending order.
: Whether sorting should be in ascending or descending order.text_ordering
: Specifies whether to use dictionary, case-insensitive or case-sensitive ordering. By default, case-sensitive ordering is used.
Sort columns according to the default ordering.
table = Table.from_rows ["bar","foo","buzz","bizz"] [["John", "25","abc","123"]]
output = table.sort_columns
Returns a Table
bar | bizz | buzz | foo |
John | 123 | abc | 25 |
Sort columns according to the natural case-insensitive ordering.
table = Table.from_rows ["Bar","foo","buzz","Bizz"] [["John", "25","abc","123"]]
output = table.sort_columns (..Case_Insensitive sort_digits_as_numbers=True)
Returns a Table
Bar | Bizz | buzz | foo |
John | 123 | abc | 25 |
Sort columns in descending order.
table = Table.from_rows ["bar","foo","buzz","bizz"] [["John", "25","abc","123"]]
output = table.sort_columns ..Descending
Returns a Table
foo | buzz | bizz | bar |
25 | abc | 123 | John |
Unicode Normalization
The text ordering method uses Unicode normalization to ensure that the text is sorted correctly. This means that text that looks the same but is represented differently will be sorted in the same way.