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transposekey_columns attribute_column_namevalue_column_nameerror_on_missing_columnson_problems

Group: Calculations
Aliases: pivot, unpivot


Returns a new table with a chosen subset of columns left unchanged and the other columns pivoted to rows with a single name field and a single value field.


  • key_columns: Set of fields to remain as columns. These values will be repeated for each data field that is pivoted.
  • attribute_column_name: The name of the field that will contain the names of the pivoted fields. If this name is already in use, it will be renamed with a numeric suffix.
  • value_column_name: The name of the field that will contain the values of the pivoted fields. If this name is already in use, it will be renamed with a numeric suffix.
  • on_problems: Specifies how to handle problems if they occur, reporting them as warnings by default.


Transpose Operation

Input Table table:

     Id | Name    | Country
A | Example | France
B | Another | Germany

Result table.transpose ['Id'] 'Attribute' 'Value':

     Id | Attribute | Value
A | Name | Example
A | Country | France
B | Name | Another
B | Country | Germany


  • If there are no columns in the output table, a No_Output_Columns is raised as an error regardless of the problem behavior, because it is not possible to create a table without any columns.
  • If a column in columns is not in the input table, a Missing_Input_Columns is raised as an error, unless error_on_missing_columns is set to False, in which case the problem is reported according to the on_problems setting.
  • If any column names in the new table are clashing, a Duplicate_Output_Column_Names is reported according to the on_problems setting.