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Enso components operate on specific types of data. Beginning, and even some intermediate users may never need anything beyond components that operate on Tables. Full documentation for all components exists here.

Below you will find component documentation for Enso Table components, as well as those specific to Microsoft Excel Workbooks.

You can add a component to the Graph Editor by clicking the + at the lower right of the Graph Editor, or by dragging a data file to begin building a workflow. To connect tools, click the + beneath an existing component or drag down from the output anchor at the bottom of the component.

Component Categories


Enso supports a variety of different ways to bring in data, but is the most common and can support files, database tables, web APIs and more.

Reads a file into Enso.

Excel Workbook

The components in this group work when connected to a that has opened an Excel Workbook.

read                   Reads a worksheet or range from an Excel Workbook opened with into Enso.
read_manyReads one or more worksheets from an Excel Workbook, and unions them into a single table.
sheet_namesReturns a vector (list) of sheet names in the workbook.
sheet_countReturns the number of sheets in the workbook.
named_rangesReturns a vector (list) of named ranges in the workbook.
named_ranges_count    Returns the number of named ranges in the workbook.
xls_formatIs the workbook in the legacy XLS format? True/False


write                  Writes a table to a file.
select_into_database_tableCreates a new database table from this in-memory table.
update_rowsUpdates the target table with the contents of this table.
delete_rowsRemoves rows from a database table.


Calculations components include functions for aggregation, joining, merging, and reshaping data, allowing users to efficiently process and prepare their information for further analysis or visualization

aggregate              Aggregates the rows in a table using group_by columns.
crosstabSummarize using a field as the column header.
joinJoins two tables according to the specified join conditions.
cross_joinPair every row of the left table with every row of the right.
mergeMerges this table with a lookup table.
zipJoins two tables by row position.
unionAppends records from other table(s) to this table.
expand_to_rows    Expand aggregate values in a column to separate rows.
expand_columnsExpand a column of objects to a new set of columns.


Conversion Components are designed to facilitate the transformation of data from one format or structure to another, enabling seamless integration and manipulation within various workflows. These components allow users to convert data types, or transforming date formats to ensure consistency across datasets. Conversion components are crucial for preparing data for analysis, ensuring that all data inputs are compatible with the operations and analyses to be performed. By providing a range of conversion options, Enso empowers users to tailor their data processing to meet specific analytical needs, improving the accuracy and efficiency of data-driven decision-making processes.

parseParses text columns to a specific data type, including numeric, date, date-time and boolean.
castChange the data type of columns to a different data types.
auto_castAggregates the rows in a table using group_by columns.
auto_value_typesAutomatically detect the appropriate data type and size for specified columns and changes them. This is most useful for Mixed types to narrow down the type if all values could fit into one type.
formatFormats columns within a Table to a specific text or date time format.
split_to_columnsReturns a new table with the chosen column split by delimiter, up to the maximum specified in column_count.
split_to_rowsReturns a new table with the chosen column split by delimiter into rows.
parse_to_columnsConverts a Text column into new columns using a regular expression pattern.
tokenize_to_columns        Returns a new table with the chosen column split by pattern, up to the maximum specified in column_count.
tokenize_to_rowsReturns a new table with the chosen column split by pattern into rows.
to_csvCreates a text representation of the table using the CSV format.
to_xmlReturns an XML_Document representation of the table.


Selection components provide powerful tools for filtering, sorting, and extracting specific data points or subsets from larger datasets. These components enable users to precisely define criteria for data selection, allowing for targeted analysis and the creation of focused datasets tailored to specific analytical needs or reporting requirements.

sortReorders the table by sorting them based on the specified columns and text_ordering method
reverseReturns a table containing the rows of input table with their order reversed.
distinctReturns the distinct (unique) set of rows within the specified columns from the input table.
duplicatesReturns the set of rows which are duplicated within the specified columns from the input table.
filterFilter is used to select data from a table using a condition.
filter_blank_rowsRemove rows which are all blank or containing blank values.
filter_blank_rowsRemove rows which are all blank or containing blank values.
atGets a single specified column, as a Column object, from the input table
first_columnGets the first column, as a Column object, from the input table
last_columnGets the last column, as a Column object, from the input table
remove_blank_columns       Remove columns which are either all blank or contain blank values. If no rows are present, all columns are considered blank.
remove_columnsReturns a new table with a chosen subset of columns, as specified by the columns, from the input table. Any unmatched input columns will be dropped from the output.
sort_columnsReorders the columns by sorting them based on the specified order and text_ordering method.
dropCreates a new Table from the input with the specified range of rows removed.
first_rowReturns the first row of the table.
get_rowReturns a specified row of the table.
last_rowReturns the last row of the table.
takeCreates a new Table with the specified range of rows from the input Table.


setCreates or updates a column with a formula or a constant value.
add_row_number     Adds a new column to the table enumerating the rows. Optionally group by a column and set a sort for the ranking.
runningAdds a new column to the table with a running calculation..
fill_nothingReturns a new table where missing values in the specified columns have been replaced with the provided default(s).
fill_emptyReturns a new column where empty Text values have been replaced with the provided default(s).


replaceReplaces values in the columns using lookup_table to specify a mapping from old to new values.
text_replaceReplaces the first, or all occurrences of term with new_text in each row of the specified column.
text_cleanseApplies the specified cleansings to the text in each row of the specified columns.


column_countReturns the number of columns in the table.
column_namesReturns the vector (list) of column names contained in this table.
column_infoReturns a Table describing this table's contents. The table lists all columns, counts of non-null items and value types of each column.
row_countReturns a the number of rows in the table.
rename_columnsReturns a new table with the chosen columns renamed.
use_first_row_as_names       Returns a new table with the columns renamed based on entries in the first row.